Frequently Asked Questions
Gerard Ainsworth, Consultant Eye Surgeon here at Lakeland Vision answers some of the most frequently asked questions he gets from clients.
To watch the whole presentation click the video above.
The individual FAQs covered are listed below, just click the question you are interested in and a popup will appear starting with that question.
What are cataracts?
What are the symptoms of cataracts?
What causes cataracts?
What is cataract surgery?
When will I need cataract surgery?
When do I have to make a decision?
What time do I need to arrive for my appointment?
How long will I be at the clinic for my procedure?
Can I drive myself to the clinic for my procedure?
Will I be awake during the procedure?
Do I need to stop my regular medication?
Do I need to take my contact lenses out before the surgery?
Will I need to use eyedrops following the surgery?
What happens if I run out of drops?
Will I be reviewed after my procedure?
Will I be able to bathe following surgery?
How quickly will I recover?
How long do I have to rest after surgery?
What should I avoid after surgery?
When can I drive?
When should I book in to see my optician?
How soon can I fly?
What are the possible complications?
Spare for the moment...
Eye conditions we treat
Here at Lakeland Vision, Mr Gerard Ainsworth offers management and surgical correction for a number of eye conditions.
Please click on each for more information:
How we can help you
We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have and discuss your individual eye care needs – please contact us on: Tel: 01768 877088 or enter your details into our enquiry form to find out more or make an appointment.